16. Capacity: Focus on what truly matters.

Published On: 7 October 2024Categories: Career

With just 168 hours in a week and an average of 4000 weeks in a lifetime, it can feel impossible to get everything done. But true success comes not from doing more but from knowing what’s truly important and where to focus your limited capacity.  It’s about distinguishing the important from the urgent, knowing “what makes the boat go faster”, and saying no more often.


  • Can you deliver your goals for the year – do you have the capacity?
  • Are you proactively or reactively managing your calendar?
  • What or who is consuming your time?
  • Are you focusing on your core priorities – the ‘golf balls’ that matter most to your personal and professional success?


  • What can or should you stop doing today?
  • Simplify intentionally: declutter commitments and eliminate non-essential tasks to focus only on what drives progress.
  • Find a time management technique that works for you and use it.

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