19. Support: Building your Personal Board of Directors for career success.

Published On: 8 October 2024Categories: Career, Leadership

As the military saying goes, “No plan survives first contact with the enemy”.  In the context of your career MOT, the “enemies” might be busyness, procrastination, uncertainty, or unexpected opportunity.  This is where a robust support network becomes crucial. The people around you can offer critical insights, aid decision-making, expand your network, and -most importantly – hold you accountable.

If it’s true that you are the sum of the five people you spend most time with, then who should be on your team? Think of these individuals as your “Personal Board of Directors” – people who help you navigate your career and make strategic decisions to thrive.  Your network doesn’t just keep you grounded; it propels you forward.


  • Are you a reflection of the five people you spend most time with? Who are you becoming in your career because of them?
  • Are there gaps in your network that need to be filled? Consider adding diversity in thought, experience and sector.
  • What types of support do you need? Think of technical expertise, industry insight, emotional support, leadership guidance, or mentorship.
  • Where can you access new perspectives?  Books, podcasts, webinars, and online communities can complement in-person contacts.


  • Write down five individuals who can help you succeed in the next phase of your career, even if you haven’t connected with them yet. Who should be on your “board of directors”?
  • What one action can you take this week to strengthen your support network or make a new connection?
  • Seek mentorship, a coach, or peer support to hold you accountable for your Career MOT goals. Ask proactively for feedback where you need more insight or advice.

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