4. Mindsets: Cultivating a growth mindset for career resilience.

Published On: 3 October 2024Categories: Career

Our mindset shapes how we interpret and respond to every situation, acting as the lens through which we view the world.  With a growth mindset, you see intelligence, abilities, and talents as things that can be developed with effort.  You see challenges as opportunities, embrace constructive feedback, learn from failures, and believe in your capacity to grow.  This perspective fosters adaptability, resilience, and success in both personal and professional life.


  • How does your mindset differ from your colleagues or team when approaching challenges?
  • Do you have any limiting beliefs about what you are capable of?
  • Is there any characteristic you’d like to cultivate to build a thriving, resilient mindset?
  • Where could you reframe a challenge to see new opportunities or solutions?


  • Practice perspective-taking: In your next meeting, consciously put yourself in someone else’s shoes. What new insights or approaches do you discover?
  • Set a small, stretch goal that pushes your growth mindset—something you once thought was out of reach.
  • Seek feedback this week and focus on areas for growth rather than validation.

Recommended Resources:

  • BOOK: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S Dweck.
  • BOOK: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  • ARTICLE: New Leadership for a New Era of Thriving Organisations – McKinsey Quarterly
  • FRAMEWORK: Inner Development Goals

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