13. Performance: Maximising Impact at Work

Published On: 7 October 2024Categories: Career, Resilience

Achieving your performance goals is essential for both personal success and contributing to your organisation’s strategy. Most companies set annual goals that cascade from their strategic business plans, often using the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely). But performance is more than just meeting targets – it’s about optimising your impact and positioning yourself for future opportunities.


  • Are you on track to meet your annual performance goals? Are they aligned with your values and long-term aspirations?
  • Do your goals push you beyond your comfort zone, building resilience and preparing you for future leadership roles? Stretch goals push you beyond your current capabilities, driving growth, but should remain realistic enough to maintain your motivation.
  • How is your performance contributing to your team’s and the organisation’s success?
  • What skills do you need to hone to support your performance?


  • Identify one step you can take this week to accelerate progress on a stretch goal.
  • Identify a performance partner – someone who can hold you accountable and provide regular feedback.
  • Ask for feedback from a mentor, manager, or peer on how you can optimise your performance and remain on track. When you receive feedback, focus on actionable insights that you refine your approach and continuously improve. Remember the positive, not just what you can do to improve.
  • Schedule regular check-ins with yourself to assess progress and adjust your strategies if needed.

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