Discovering core values: Your compass for leadership and life.

Published On: 12 June 2024Categories: Coaching, Insights, Leadership

“A value is a way of being or believing that we hold most important.”  – Brene Brown.

Can you name your three core values confidently?  Your friends, family and colleagues likely have a sense of what you prioritise through your actions and words.  But are your actions truly aligned with your values?

Why Core Values Matter in Leadership

In the fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters, especially under pressure.  Often, the only clue that something is off course is a nagging feeling in our gut.    Defining our core values is crucial for navigating life’s challenges and thriving in both personally and professionally.

Brene Brown says, “Living into our values means that we do more than profess our values, we practice them.  We walk our talk – we are clear about what we believe and hold important, and we take care that our intentions, words, thoughts and behaviours align with those beliefs.”   Values shape our friendships, careers, and the organisations we choose.

A Pivotal Lesson in Core Values

Fifteen years ago, during a leadership course, I experienced a moment that profoundly shaped my understanding of core values. We wrote down three words we believed reflected our core self and placed them in a basket.  Then, we tried to guess who it was.  It typically took only two words to identify each other highlighting the power of self-perception and shared understanding.

At the end, each of us received a black envelope with silver writing.  Inside were three values that the team at ID-ology had observed in us.  Mine were Empathy, Eloquence, and Integrity – words I hadn’t chosen myself.   It was humbling that others had witnessed a better me.  This exercise highlighted the importance of aligning who we are with how we present ourselves.

Core Values in Life

“Connecting to our core values is a powerful tool to take meaningful action in every moment of our lives” – IDG.

Feelings of misalignment often stem from a discord between your personal core values and those of the people, or organisations around you.  Whether it’s your views of climate change clashing your friend’s, or your company culture not aligning with your well-being, knowing your values helps navigate these challenges.

Core Values in Authentic Leadership

“Be yourself, more, with skill”- Rob Goffee

Authentic leadership hinges on understanding and consistently embodying your core values. Self-awareness helps you respond thoughtfully in stressful situations, building trust and strengthening relationships.

Core Values in Resilient Leadership

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted to need for value-driven leadership, aligned with strategic decision making.  During crises, values offer the fortitude needed to make tough decisions with integrity.   Our values act as an inner compass, guiding our thoughts and actions underpinning the resilient leadership crucial in our uncertain world.

Identifying your Core Values

To identify your core values:

  • Download the values list in the Resources section.
  • Circle all that apply to you, aiming for 10-15 words.
  • Distil this list to the two or three that define you uniquely.

Reflect on the following questions:

  • Who you want to be?
  • What do you stand for?
  • How do you relate to the changing world?
  • How would you be remembered ?
  • How do you want to make a difference?

Understanding You.

Understanding your core values builds self-awareness, enabling you to influence and impact your world, navigate change with resilience, and lead authentically.

Regularly reflect on your values, seek feedback, and engage with a coach or mentor to grow and stay aligned.


Brene Brown – Dare to Lead– part two, a downloadable list of values

Brene Brown – Living into Our Values podcast

Rob Goffee – “Why Should Anyone be Led by You?”.    Be Yourself more with Skill.

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