Discover your leadership purpose with ikigai.

Published On: 12 June 2024Categories: Coaching, Leadership

Discover your leadership purpose with ikigai.

Feeling stuck in your career planning?  Unsure which path to take next?   You’re not alone.  Whether you’re considering a job change, figuring out what’s next after graduation, or finding a new role after redundancy, navigating career choices can be tough.

Career contemplation often traps us in indecision, making it hard to enjoy the present.  But with practical tools, you can uncover insights and take control of your future.

Finding your purpose gives you a sense of direction – your north star.  It’s what keeps you going in tough times.

Enter Ikigai – your reason for living.

Ikigai is a Japanese concept, combining the words: iki (to live) and gai, (reason), meaning your reason for being. In Okinawa, the long lives of its residents are attributed to their purpose in life; their ikigai.     It’s about finding joy and fulfilment in all areas of your life and doesn’t have to be a lofty construct.  It might be humbler, for example family life, hobbies or learning.

 Four questions towards your purpose.

The ikigai model asks four questions:

  • What are you good at?
    • eg creativity, problem solving, innovation, building teams, nurturing talent, fundraising, strategy.
  • What can you be paid for?
    • eg sales, marketing, IS, finance, engineering, sustainability, HR, operations.
  • What do you love?
    • eg what are your hobbies, interests?
  • What does the world need?
    • Your views on what would make the world a better place to live?  What’s not working?

At the intersection of these questions lies your ikigai. Finding it is a journey of self-discovery helping you identify your passion, mission, profession and vocation.

Start your journey of self-discovery.

Set aside time to explore into these questions. Think about your experiences at home, work, and play.  What activities engage and energise you?  When do you feel most fulfilled?

Stay optimistic and focus on your possibilities.  Write down your answers in a format that suits you – whether it’s on paper, in an app or as a mind map.

Connecting the dots to ikigai

As you reflect on these questions, you’ll notice patterns. Allow your thoughts to settle for a few days, then review and distil them into a clear vision of your ikigai.

Pathfinding your future

Approach this journey with a sense of curiosity and ambition.  Be astute in your observations and understanding of your own complexities.  Your legacy begins with the choices you make today.  Your purpose will guide you through career opportunities and challenges, helping you reach your leadership potential.

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